Law Of Attraction

AFTER crewing for the Rich Heart Sale's(RHS) 2nd intake, I got intrigued by the law of attraction.

I was introduced The Secret
by Ella. The DVD is about 1 and a half hour. I just re-watched it yesterday. Since then, I've been pondering about its effects and the magic of it.

As I was thinking about the Law of attraction, I started to look at certain things that happened to me.

For those who don't know about the laws of attraction, let me briefly explain. It simply means, what you think, you will attract.

A few examples, if you have failed at something, and each time you fail, you kept thinking of how badly you fail, how lousy you are, that failure will expand.

The next time you attempt the same thing, you will fail, this time it will be worse than before.

If you think that you will get scolded for not doing a good job, chances are, you will get scolded.

If you think that you don't deserve to have a lot of money, 100% chance is that you won't have much.

Now, how many times do we ever think back and wonder why something happened to us over and over again?

Did everything that happened, happen because of fate? Or did it happen because you made it happen?

In the first example, when we fail at something, what is the natural emotion we will feel? Sadness? Depression? Insecurity? Unworthiness?

Notice that all these emotions are negative. When we feel negative emotions, do we feel good about ourselves?

So subconsciously, we associated the thing that we do to the emotions that we felt when we did it for the first time.

If we focused on the bad feelings, and kept on replaying the scene of how embarrassing it was when we couldn't do it right, how badly we felt when we just couldn't get it, do you think that we will ever find the courage to give it another try it without inhibitions?

Naturally, we will want to protect ourselves from pain. To do that, we will stop ourselves to try hard enough to learn the thing right. Because if we don't do something, we won't fail right?

So how did people manage to learn things?

Mentors, teacher, guru, predecessors, seniors, leaders, idols. These are the people we look up to. They are at where we want to be. They have been there, done that. We know they can do it, so can we.

Each time we fail, instead of focusing on the bad emotions, if we keep in our mind how good it will feel when we can do something as good as our mentor, how impressive it will be, how worthy we will feel. How happy we will become. Do you think you will learn something better?

Notice that the emotions associated to succeeding are all positive emotions? They empower us, they give us the strength to press on even when we fail. It is the cheese at the end of the station that kept us moving.

Isn't it true that what you focus on expands? You focus on your failures, you will fail. You focus on your future success, you will succeed.

This applies for the other 2 examples or even anything you can think of.

If you think that you don't deserve a lot of money, what happens if alot of money comes to you out of nowhere?

You'll feel fear right? You'll think of all the negative things that can happen to you when you keep the money. You'll imagine yourself being robbed, imagine how everyone will want to have a share of it. The money will be gone before you realise what has happened to it because you keep rejecting the ownership of it.

The laws of attraction is just so wonderful.

I began to ponder about the obscure art of fortune telling.

What are the cliche phrases that we hear fortune tellers in TV or movies will say?

You will encounter a disaster. You will get married by 40. You will meet a saviour. You will have a good life.

All these statements. Realise that they are not very specific?

They are statements of the future. The future does not exist. If I tell you to stand up tomorrow, you can't. Because we are forever living in today.

But what makes fortune telling so amazing is that it only comes true if you believe.

Notice how it works?

It only comes true if you believe.

Meaning, you will not have any disaster if you think that the fortune teller is bullshitting. Or you will advert the disaster by paying $5k for a pebble inscribed with a scratch. Your mind will think that now that you have bought a lucky charm, disaster will avoid you, and it will. Because why? Disaster will never happen until you start to believe it will.

Say if you consciously think that the fortune teller is a hoax. But you keep looking out for disaster. Guess what you will find?

Every single thing that happen to you will appear to be disastrous. Because it is a chain effect. Once something that's insignificant becomes recognized as a disaster, you will start to believe that disaster is really happening to you, and you will take measures to avoid it which will lead you into something worse.

What you focus on expands.

On the other hand, if the fortune teller says that you will find your soulmate and get married by 40 years old. What will happen if you believed her?

You will start to be more open to relationships and appreciates traits of your partner you would never have admired before. You become more receptive to meeting that someone special. If you are young, this will become a hinder, as you will think that you're unworthy to marry at a young age. But if you are in your 30s, this belief will help you see pass imperfection of others because you believe that you will get married.

It balls down to the word belief.

If you believe something will happen to you and keeps on focusing on it.

The thing will happen.

Things happen to us all the time.

The only difference it makes to focus your thinking is to accept the normal things that happen as miracles.

It feels so empowering just by trying to explain the power of this law of attraction.

Perhaps you would like to share your own experience of the law of attraction?

The act of sharing will empower you. You will feel really good after sharing.

So, if the law of attraction exists. How can we use it to work for us?

One method is visualisation.

It is the process where you imagine yourself already having the things that you want.

When we are in the state of having, we create positive energy. We attract things that we want when we tell our mind that we already have it.

My interpretation of this is, opportunities are ever present. The only thing that is not always there is our readiness to receive it.

Probably like the old astronomical thinking that the Sun revolves around the Earth.

The Sun is the opportunity that is so bright and warm and Earth is the place close to us and comfortable, our comfort zone.

What we currently think is that Opportunity is revolving around everyone and only those lucky people can get it.

When we have the thinking that Opportunity is revolving around us, we become self centered. We began to think that we are in the middle of everything and opportunities should come to us.

And when we think that we are in the center, we believe that things will happen naturally without us having to move.

But the fact it, it is completely the other way round.

Opportunity, the Sun, is forever there. It is not moving, it is ever present.

We on the other hand, are the little planets that orbit around the Sun. To get closer to Opportunity, we have to alter our course. The only time when we can touch Opportunity is the time when our orbit intersects it.

We move to get to opportunity. Opportunity does not come to us.

When you go in a state of have. Your orbit will touch the Opportunity. It does not mean that you are touching it. It just mean that if you keep on moving, you will get to Opportunity sooner or later.

The moment you start thinking that you have and are grateful that you have, your orbit automatically shifts to intersect Opportunity.

Get the picture?

Well, one point you can take is to stop thinking that you are the most important thing in the universe and everything has to come to you. Stop thinking that each time you do not get what you want, you are not treated fairly. There is no such thing as fair.

This is a universe of causality. Cause and effect. You don't get what you want because you are not tuned to receive it. Change yourself.

It is interesting to note that even though this is common sense, we can often miss it.

We all like to justify. Like to believe that things did not happen because we weren't lucky enough or it was something else fault.

Think whatever you like, there's no rules to it. Only what's proven to work and not work.

I think this applies to everything. Including relationship.

The time when I finally understand how to apply this law into my relationship is the time I will find my soul mate. For the time being, I thank everyone who showed me their concerns. I love you all. =D

For those who like to get a copy of The Secret, you can get it at

Progress Check

RECOUNTING what took place throughout the past 2 month ever since my graduation show on 7th March 09.

Attended a workshop teaching me how to sell from the heart. I feel an urge to add this to spite those who thinks that workshops are pointless. YOU'RE BROKE!

The workshop taught me how to sell from my heart instead of hard selling. Hard selling is the primary cause of hatred for salesmen. The key lesson I took away from the workshop was: you sell because you want to help people, not because you want their money. Anyway, the mindset one salesperson has will make a lot of difference in his performance. If you come from a stand point of really serving a need people have, people will be more willing to accept your offers.

Another thing I took away from that workshop was: MOVE!

In physics, if object is not moving, no work is done. Meaning, if I don't do anything to make something move, I'm not doing any work. I can think and think and think and still no work is done. So... 3 days later, which is a Monday, MONEYTHOLOGY LLP is born.

I'm the manager/partner and Leroy is my partner.

On Thursday or Friday, I can't really remember, one guy from OCBC called. That guy mentioned something about coming to my office to open a bank account. I realised that I immediately turned into defensive mode.

Woah woah woah, you call me straight away ask me if you can come my office open bank account. You didn't even inquire what business I do and whether I need a bank account. Or even better, you didn't even let me see how this bank account will benefit me. All I hear from this guy was: Hey, you sucker, you just started a business right, so you should open a bank account with me. I want to earn that commission so don't wait already. I go your place open your account for you and I can earn my commission liao...

F*** you man... This is what I would classify as hard sell. So my natural response is to throw up my rejections. I pretended to inquire for more information before finally saying that I do not intend to open a bank account yet.

That guy probably sensed something is not right, he said that he would send some information and get back to me a few days later.

I didn't pay attention to that matter for some time. The letter containing the information of opening a business account was sent to my place. I looked at it and gave some thought about it. There would be benefits. It would make the transactions much cleaner. And cheques are wonderful, I'll feel wonderful if I can sign cheques.

So I arranged with Leroy to go down to AMK Hub's OCBC branch and asked to speak with somebody who can give us more information. After waiting for some time, the manager in-charged of opening business accounts came and met with us. We posed our questions and he answered them appropriately. He didn't not press on making us open the account as soon as possible. Talking to that manager felt better than that guy on the phone.

Funny enough, 10 mins after we walked out of the branch, that same guy who called me last time called back to ask me if I want to open the bank account with him. I told him that I just went down to the branch and spoke with the manager. He panicked and asked me who I spoke to. Then, he told me the bull crap of him being the one in-charged of my business profile and if anything, I should look for him. Then, he continued to press on the benefits of opening the bank account. I was totally pissed. After the call, I told Leroy that I would rather travel all the way down to the branch than to ask that guy come to my office to open the bank account.

This is my personal experience of being hard-sell(ed).

After I registered my company, I spent 3 to 4 days blanking out. I was totally at the mode of "NOW WHAT?".

Until suddenly I realised. I should get some cash.

Before I registered my company, I arranged for some of my friends to sell me their talents. We arranged to talk more about it after I have registered my company name. Buying their talents need $$$. So, I need cash.

I signed up for 2 online job searching engines. I put my job scope interest as sales. Soon enough, I found a job of selling.

I'm now working as a salesmen, selling from my heart, serving customers and helping them lead a better life.

Ya right! How I wish that was the case.

It is only about 25% true. My job involves going door to door promoting services that customers might want to take up. The deal was good. I believed in the deal. But somehow, as I opened my heart to hear customer's needs, conflicts arise within me.

Though not all customers had issue with the product and the company, it doesn't mean there are none. Some customers poured their complaints to me and all I can say is: "I'll do what I can."

Which is nothing. I'm only a salesmen. Your complaints reach me and vapourise. Yes, I want to help you. But I'm only a salesmen. I can only offer you information I have and service I provide. That's all. Suggestions as to how to make the services better reach me and disappear.

It is not that I'm complaining about customers telling us all those things. I'm really glad I can hear feedback from customers about how to make the service better. What I feel bad about is that I'm powerless in making the change. It puts me in a dilemma. If I want to sell from the heart and help the customer as much as I can, I have to limit myself to the amount of things I can offer, which will make me conscientious about helping at all.

Well, I'm getting used to the pangs of guilt every time customer relayed their hopes of change to us. But it will serve as a burning coal under my butt to tell me that I have to start my own business and sell my own things. I want to be the boss and bring the change customers desire. My own product and my own service that I can be proud of.

OK, source of income secured. So, I slogged. But something behind keeps prodding me to do more. It keeps screaming: IT'S NOT ENOUGH!! YOU NEED TO MOVE MORE!!

This is ultimately still active income.

I was reading Warren Buffett's new biography: The Snowball. The book was inspiring, it made me realise that I have some things in common with the world's richest man. But he is many times more brilliant than I am. Reading his books gave me two inspirations: I need to find a girlfriend so that I have someone to work hard for; I need to find more sources of passive income.

April 3rd is my ex's birthday. On that midnight, I wished her happy birthday. For the first time in eons, she replied me a thank you. Even though it was a generic thanks, I felt really good. It showed that there is a possibility she might want to talk to me again.

So, I asked her out for dinner at a restaurant near her place. She didn't say whether she will go. We didn't have any arrangements agreed upon. But I turned up at that restaurant any way to have my dinner. Miraculously, I saw her there having a meal with her mom. The sight of her ignited a volcanic eruption never seen in 4 years. I was so happy that I didn't know what to do. So I sat at a table far away but near enough to peek at her. She didn't change much. Still beautiful and maintaining her figure. She still have long straight hair, though I remember that she mentioned she might perm her hair. The best thing about her is the glasses she wear. It gave her the mysterious look. She's feels so special to me.

So naturally, the heart that never really died starting pumping harder. For the next 5 days, I tried to get her to reply to messages. Eventually, I borrowed a book called Mars and Venus On a Date.

Reading the book gave me a lot of insights into her world. She is avoiding me because thinking about me hurts her. But the book also mention that if a relationship ended in hurt and guilt, the next one will not be happy. I felt guilty and she felt hurt.

I don't know what to make of this emotion.

I can't let go. Something is telling me not to let go. But I no longer know what to do about it. If by any chance you are friends of my ex, can you help me tell her how much I want to be part of her life again?

To drown the chaotic feelings about BGR, I devoted myself into making money. I'm now working on starting a manga drawing class. I'm not the one teaching it, but some of my very legendary classmates I met in NYP. They can earn more money, I can start my business, more people can learn how to draw, everybody wins. This is the best thing about doing business. Win-win situation.