Hedge Against The Coming Storm

GOLD price at all time high! Protect your savings before the market crashes!

Close this mail/window if u have no interest in knowing how to preserve your hard earn savings.

As you should be aware, the United States(US) is in debt. And debt not in million or billions but in trillions! That's $1,000,000,000,000!

Ever since the US-Dollar un-pegged from gold in response to decrease the burden of debt in 1935, gold price and US$ value went opposite ways.


Because when US$ was un-pegged from gold, it meant that the piece of paper money is no longer equal to something tangible owned by those who issued the note but a promise that it can be exchanged for something of equal value in future.

The difference lies in that for the latter, they can keep printing money so long as those who receives the note believes in that promise.

That is the reason US is deeply in debt, because they keep promising and they keep printing.

So What?

The answer is simple, once people stops believing in the promise, the note is as good as toilet paper, and there goes your hard earned savings.

But that's USD, I own SGD

Well, imagine you own a business and you have a customer who appears to be very rich. So you extend credit to him whenever he buys stuff from u. You think he can pay you back since he is so rich, so you didn't not mind holding onto his IOUs. You are Singapore and US is the customer. And Singapore is holding onto a lot of US IOUs. If the customer is unable to pay, what do you think will happen to e business?

Let's not concern ourselves with the solution to US debt problems. What's more important is the things we can do to minimize the damage when the roof really comes crashing down.

So How?

For those who are already aware, I'm sure you would have identified the crisis and done something to hedge yourself against losses. But for those who are not aware, I offer some basic advice and some simple actions to take.

From a logical point of view, when the intangible is unstable, own the stable and tangible.

The answer is simply: buy & hold gold until this crisis is over.

To be honest, I have 2 agenda that motivated me to write this article.
1. Educate those who are still unaware and hope that they would save themselves.
2. Offer those who are willing to join me in making the best of the current crisis a chance to make some cash.

If you feel that what was said were all nonsense, I sincerely hope that you will at least realize some shit is going to happen and do something about it.

The reason why gold price is rising is because there are more people buying than selling.

Gold is the universal form of money. It has been so since ancient times.

There are a few ways you can own gold or profit from the benefits of it.

1) Buying n holding real gold
-gold bars
-gold bullion
-gold leaf etc

2) Own a gold savings account

3) Buy gold certs or gold shares

More on how to go about each option can be found with a few minutes of Googling.

What I'm more interested in sharing with you is the opportunity to not only own real gold but also profit whenever someone you know buys gold.

The best thing is, you don't need to have a large capital. Less than S$1,000.

For those who feel uneasy making money from others, no worries. By holding onto the gold itself is in a way protecting your money. Think of it like savings, just that this pool of saving is illiquid and no interest given. But at the rate gold is appreciating in value, your "money" is growing many times more than what a bank offers. And your money is more protected from inflation than the sturdiest vaults in any bank can offer.

1 ounce of limited edition, pure 999.9gold collection coin cost US$1,400 5years ago(intrinsic worth=US$750). Today, intrinsic value of 1oz 999.9 gold is US$1,750 . Meaning, discounting the collector's value of the coin, the coin is worth US$1,750 for the amount of gold it possess.

The additional incentive of buying the gold I'm sharing with you are:
-a platform to build your very own passive income stream
-a means to help friends in need of money
-actively take control of your money n increase your income.

For those who are interested to own gold but do not wish to take up my offer, you can find out more about owning gold from UOB. I myself purchased gold from there and that gold has appreciated 16% in merely 5 months.

As for those who are interested in what I offered, you can post in comments, write in the chat box or drop me an e-mail(wei_ge_1989@hotmail.com) and we can discuss in-depth the biz opportunity present.

1 thing I learn from my 1 year 10months of serving the army is: When in doubt, ask! Don't assume.

Its free to send email or post a comment by the way, so feel free to ask me as many questions as possible!

All the best and hope you are ready when crisis calls.

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