Becoming Rich Is Not About The How

ALL rich people will agree that there are a million ways to earn a million dollars.

The word is duplication.

  • Keep doing what makes you money earns you an active income.

  • Keep doing what makes you money without your continuous effort earns you passive income.

  • Keep doing what makes you passive earns you riches.
Keep doing what makes you money earns you an income

This is what everybody do best. How to go about it? Here's how it works.

  1. Wake up everyday at a preset timing.
  2. Get ready to go for work.
  3. Get through the traffic.
  4. Reach your work place .
  5. Do what you are hired to do.
  6. Go for lunch break
  7. Get back to work.
  8. Wait for time to go home.
  9. Get through the traffic again.
  10. Reach home and get ready for next day.
This cycle repeats. We do it because it works.

It puts bread onto the table.

It makes sure that we can get an income every month.

Not a bad system right?

Let me ask you some questions.

Do you think that you are paid what you deserve? If you are, you are a happy man and I congratulate you.

Is the value of your work equivalent to the amount of money you receive?

Who determines the amount of money you are paid?

Now, think about these 2 questions deeply.

If the pay you received from your job can make you financially free, do you think that you will still continue working?

If the pay you received is miserably just enough for you to get by, do you think you will continue working hard so that you can get money next month?

Notice the difference?

You are paid what you are worth and you stop working, who suffers? The boss.

You are paid just enough so that you will continue working, who wins? The boss.

There is a reason why your pay is never enough.

It is to keep you working!

The boss makes money because you are working.

Get the idea?

Who wants to be the boss?

That is why, if you want to get rich, stop working for paychecks and start giving paychecks.

Keep doing what makes you money without your continuous effort earns you passive income

The keyword to getting rich is passive income.

It is money coming in without you working.

Leaving the "How" aside, imagine a simple scenario.

If you can create a steady flow of passive income by following a step-by-step instruction. All you need to do is to follow exactly what it says.

Maybe you failed the first time.

Maybe you failed the second time.

But you keep trying.

You keep following the instructions and on the fourth time, you successfully created a passive income stream.

What is the beauty of passive income?

You are free to do whatever you want and the money still comes in.

What is left out of the equation?

What was the old equation?

You + Time + Effort = $

And the new equation?

You = $

What happens when you have time and the energy to do anything you want and not have to worry about money?


Good or Good??!

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