Mindset Can Be Influenced, Habits can be Inculcated

DOES the way we think affect the way we behave?

Mindset 1: I believe that gambling can make me get rich quick
Habit 1: I buy 4D 3 times a week

Mindset 2: I believe that the only way to earn a living is to sweat it out. The harder I sweat, the more I deserve
Habit 2: I work till my bones break, give more than expected of me and pray that I get a promotion soon.

Mindset 3: I believe that as long as I contribute, I will be rewarded.
Habit 3: I keep doing the same thing that works, wondering why I never get more.

Mindset 4: I believe that the world owes me a living.
Habit 4: I will lie down here and wait for something to happen.

Mindset 5: I believe that dreams are only possible when I'm asleep.
Habit 5: I do what I know is safe because others have already done it before me.

Mindset 6: I believe that nothing in this world is absolute.
Habit 6: I keep trying new ideas.

Mindset 7: I believe that nobody can tell me who I will become.
Habit 7: I filter negative comments from others.

Mindset 8: I believe time is more valuable than money.
Habit 8: I keep trying to make more money with lesser time.

What you keep telling yourself is what you will keep doing. What you keep doing will become what you keep getting. So instead of changing what you want to get, change what you think in your head.

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