Dream Big, Start Small

AFTER reading through my goals again, I realised that I've provided too vague a goal for me to put into action. The parts that the goals provided had only been the Dream big part, what it lacked was the Start small part.

I've listed all the big things that I want to be doing at significant points in time in my life. What I did not include or did not dare reveal was the small little steps that needs to be taken in order to reach the bigger dream.

Achieving a networth of $1million by having several investments in business, real estates or stocks doesn't not reveal the intricacies that these investments requires me to look after. It makes the goal too unrealistic and sounds like a real dream.

False Assurance

In my mind, I often reassured myself that I know what I need to do whenever I think about the goals I'm striving for. I'll tell myself something like: I need to read more books on people's skill so that I can better build rapport for me to better sell anything I want people to sell themselves; I need to write down more specific goals so that I will have a better understand of what I'm spearing for. All these thoughts served to only boost my morale temporarily by reassuring myself that I'm doing something related to my goals and I'm doing fine.

The problem is, I'm not doing things in the correct order. I'm searching for solutions for problems that I think I'll be facing instead of facing a problem before trying to find a solution.

The difference lies in that, with the latter, I'll be better able to apply the solution and knowledge I acquired and the digestion of the information will be more applicable for future similiar problems. What I'm doing now however, makes me fear making mistakes. The more I think I know, the less I'll dare to go forth in case I forgot what I thought I knew.

Knowledge is nothing unless it is applied. I can become an encyclopedia about human relationship management but I'll have no clue of how to strike a casual conversation with anybody unless I've actually talked to somebody.

Learning also entails making mistakes

The concept of failing in order to discover how to succeed is no stranger to me. That is what I've been telling myself. But to actually be faced with a choice of whether to take a plunge or walk a path that is trodden by many, causes me to waver sometimes. It is easy to say that I need to choose my own path to understand why I've taken it rather than follow everyone to find out why they have taken the path.

It easy to say anything. It is easy to say that I'll become a president before I die. It is easy to say that the world will end in A.D.2012. Saying anything is truly no mean feat. But I know that in order to make what I say counts, I need to take actions to prove that I mean what I say, even if I do not succeed.

This is where many people fail. They say big things but do not dare to proceed or proceed but gave up halfway. This is because they did not pave the small steps they need to take in order to reach that big thing. I've often found myself giving up on thing that I once had so much passion about.

That bad habit escaped my comprehension until I seriously thought about the occasions when I felt that giving up was the best choice I could make. I gave up because the Big Picture I was looking at, was so big that it disheartens me to be unable to see any results while I slogged towards achieving it. Truth is, I'm making significant progress from a miniscule levels. But because my head had been raised the whole time, I did not look down and acknowledge that fact that I'm actually closer to where I want to be.

The concept here is that, no matter how big something you want to achieve is, as long as there are small little steps that you know you can take to walk towards it, you will not be disheartened halfway through. The small steps that you need to take will permanently boost your morales when you got there. Even if you do not reach a certain small step, you not give up as easily because you would have told yourself that you made it this far, no point giving up.

What I lacked in my goals were the small little steps. The important steps that I need to put in so that I can truly work towards my goals. I need to get over the idea that reading more books will grant me my eventual success. I need to truly embrace the concept of getting down and under.

This applies to anything we do in life. It is not only for a better life. It is for everything. For love, for health, for prestige, for peace. Having a Big Dream is not enough. Neither is having small little steps. Everything needs to have the 2 aspect working hand in hand to endure Time.

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