My New Book (Progress check)

BOOK 1 of the Moneythology Series:
My First Big Book Of Money
Short Description:
This is a picture/story/informational/educational Book that is about A4 to A3 size. Colourful, interesting graphics that helps to bring out the message intended.
The purpose of this book is to:
· to provide a solution for parents to teach their children about the elusive subject of money
· to inform/educate the reader the origin of money and its purposes
· to stress the importance of saving to prepare for opportunities
· to educate reader about the different forms of money that existed in the past


The book has 4 sections

1. Introduction of Money Land-This is a 2 to 4 pages of graphics that brings the reader into a new world where the subject of money is made alive - It is a world that is from the imagination

2. The Origin of Money-This section is the story of how money first came into existence. -It is done so by stressing the trouble of barter trading without a medium of exchange -Lively characters and stunning environment will aim to capture the hearts of young readers

3. Other Forms of Money- This is the informative section where objects that people from the past had used as money before gold was used is displayed. Short text and graphics are present to explain and inform.

4. Case Study-
Importance of Saving- In this section, I aim to provide the true purpose of saving money.
It is often misunderstood that the purpose of saving is so that you can buy whatever you desire. This is the misconception that lead to many people not being able to move on ahead in life.
I intend to use this section to emphasize the significance of saving in order to grow your money. From bank accounts to high risk capital gain investments, the concept of delayed gratification and accumulation is the upmost focus.
This is done by demonstrating in a comparative case study between 3 person who have different money habits.(2 of them save, 1 do not; But the 2 who saves have different spending habits)The idea here is to compare who is the wealthiest of them all after a period of time.

Team Power:

I'm now working with 4 graphic designers. Gabriella, Shawn, Vanessa and Leroy. While I'm in-charge of the content, they are here to support me with the graphics. We are doing this in a two and a half month project. The draft should be out around 15th January 09.

The Next Step:

After the book is completed, we have to secure a sponsor to help us in getting the book printed. The quality of the book will be the focus of this project as the availability of sponsors depends alot upon our hardwork. We will get lots of feedback and implement them before the deadline of 30th January 09. I mentioned in the original post that the book will be published in June 09. We have 5 months to perk up the contents and add in certain stuff our sponsors might want to add in.

The Final Step:

Once the book is printed. We will be approaching book stores and schools to promote our book. The short-term goal is not to make lots of money. That goal is to make our book known and recognised so that the pathway for the entire series of 10 books will be paved.

Ultimate Goal:
Passive Income from book royalties.

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