Passive Income

I'M GETTING the impression that normal people are afraid of passive income.

By definition, passive income means income that is generated without your active effort.

Isn't it a wonderful thing?

My hypothesis is that, many culture and upbringing says that anything that is obtained without effort is undesirable. Like stealing or cheating. Most people just cannot see the idea that passive income is actually the way to solve their money problems.

With the mentality that you need to work so that you are entitled a payment, many people just spend their whole life working to get a payment.

Probably the reason why this idea is so common is because its the fairest and easiest way to earn money, any other "easier" methods would be deemed impossible or even suspicious right?

What most people are doing is actually trading their time for money. They sell their time and skill in order to be paid a payment. Depending on their skill and the perception of the person paying them, the value of their time varies. Is it a fair description?

In their world, time is their only asset. Ironically, these people use the payment they received after selling their time to buy liabilities that eat their payment, forcing them to work harder.

The funny thing is, they think they are buying assets.

How many of you actually wants to buy a car the moment you can afford it? I'll say quite a handful.

There's nothing wrong with buying a car. In fact, it has become a necessity in our society. Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want to put my money into something that drops in value the moment I drive it out of the garage.

The idea that most people are avoiding passive income led me to another speculation.

Throughout history, there are great men who accomplishes great things. All great men did not accomplish their feat on their own. They will have a group of people who does his bidding in order for him to accomplish his success. Then, I wonder if its the great man who encouraged those people to be normal or did those people exist so that one man can become great.

Did our civilisation evolve base on such symbiotic relationship? The leader and the herd.

The moment I saw the light, I tried to enlighten others around me. Only a few saw it too. Some were enlightened by others but we understood what each of us are talking about. Most people were just too afraid of the idea.

I often hear the excuse, I just want to be happy. You can still be happy when you are rich. What has being rich gotta do with happiness. Rich people and poor people both have happy and sad moments. But I would rather suffer a rich man's sadness than a poor man's sadness.

Passive income is not scary. Poverty is.

1 comment:

Miss Rhoadie said...

Good post. I desire to become financially independent. I can not accomplish my personal goals of serving my community if I am too busy serving an employer.