My Book - Progress Check

MY TEAM and I produced sort of a business proposal for the book. I did most of the writing, they did the illustrations. I'll be going through my proposal with my mentor some time soon. Hopefully I can receive some pointers. Maybe I can get him to join my business. =D

  • I need to find an art director
  • I need more business partners
  • I need sponsors and investors
  • I need time
  • I need motivation
The Art Director

Somebody who can help me with the artistic aspect of this business. I'm only a decent artist. I need exceptional artist who can lead. I have a few candidates in mind, but I need to work out the persuasion part. Money is most certainly the main attraction, which leads to the need for sponsors and investors. Prestige is another thing. Artist usually don't stay in one job for a long time. It is a good thing as they need exposure to become better. So to get them to join me, they need to believe that they will be more well known in future by working on my production. This is the part where I need more business partners.

The Business Partners

Currently, I have one full-time loyalist partner who is willing to brave through fire and water with me. Both of us still have much to learn but we'll get there. But the problem is, both of us have no business knowledge, no accounting knowledge, no (insert big word here) knowledge. I understand economics, but have no direct information that can be applied. All we know about business are from self-help books and network marketing background. Even though business knowledge is not the determining factor of success for businesses, it is still essential for proper running and managing of any business. I have a few friends who studies business. I can consider talking to them about joining me. But the most important thing is their interest in my business project.

The Sponsors and Investors

This is the sightly more headache part. I need the money to run the business, and I follow rich dad's lesson of using other people's money to get rich. To get the money, I need to convince my prospects that this business is lucrative and beneficial; and my team and I can bring it through to its success. To do that, I need more planning using the business plan that always works which requires me to get more partners and art director which needs me to go around pitching my business in hope to find talents who are interested in my project. I wonder if I'm moving in a straight line or the line actually connects into a circle.


I'm entering NS soon. Time is against me. I can build my Education consultation business in NS and get my capital that is so sorely needed for my own business. But I'm torn between something I really want to do and something I need to do. I only have so much time until my 26th birthday. But still, one thing at a time. Now I need to clear my modules in school and qualify to graduate before worrying about my livelihood. Really? I was under the impression it was the other way round, worry about livelihood that's why the diploma. Anyway, entrepreneurs think differently. What has being an entrepreneur got to do with clearing modules. I'm good in my school work but I don't intend to get employed in the field I'm studying. What Logic is that? Don't know, I have not thought of a witty reply to that question yet. Why the hell am I debating about this... Anyway, time is crucial to me and I wish to ration it wisely. Hopefully I can squeeze in time to find a girlfriend but it won't be fair to her, whoever she will be. Tough luck, success will be worth this trouble.


Instincts are calling out to me. I need morale support. I need pivotal points to proceed. Going it alone is possible, but it takes a lot more discipline. Business partners are business partners, investors are investors, ultimately I need someone to be there so that I can do something for that person. Strange. Why do things for somebody else? I build my success so that I can enjoy it with the person who endured it with me. Hopefully this person will be my life partner. Another dilemma, my impression is that most girls nowadays are too used to the idea that they'll find some successful guy and marry him and enjoy life. But I think that successful guy won't treasure the girl as much unless she had been through thick and thin with him in the first place. But a man who is striving for success on my magnitude will have to go through mud first, down to near beyond deep shit(which actually means deep shit). Which girl in the right sense of mind would follow me? Perhaps someone with the left sense would. Most would just follow some guy who steadily climbs the corporate leader and gets company benefits. Hard luck. But I feel that if a girl is willing to trust me and sacrifice a "safe" route to help me see success, she must be something. Man do things to impress woman. I got nobody to impress, so I need to find somebody to impress so that I can find the motivation to succeed. Instincts Instincts Instincts.

If instinct tells you to run, RUN!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can help with the motivation!