My Entrepreneur Style

I FOUND this book called Joining the Entrepreneurial Elite by Olaf Isachsen. It's not beneficial to non entrepreneurs but it helps me identify my entrepreneur style.

The book says that there are 4 entrepreneur styles. I belong to one of them. Here will be the records of the descriptions which I think made sense.

The Strategist

Most entrepreneurs belong to this style for 2 reason.
  1. Fiercely independent and have great faith, be it realistic or unrealistic, in the promise of the future. Tends to live life in the future and have neither interest nor the time to consider the everyday chores of a business. Spot on.
  2. Unusually conceptual in approach and have an insatiable need to know why things are the way they are. Always challenges self intellectually to go one step further in exploring and understanding the realm of new possibilities. Right again.
It mentioned that I might come across to people as arrogant, but also says that I did not intent it.

I'm highly critical and are usually open to learning as much as I can about myself. Which is what I'm doing right now.

I do not suffer fools gladly. Yes, I don't like to work with slow people who makes mistake 9 out of 10 times.

Nothing is ever complete in my world of work. I'm constantly facing a moving target. My mind is seldom at rest and I tend to work hard at everything I do. I really prefer to know it as working smart though, but those are the words from the book.

I'm highly competitive, but I'm competing with myself most of the time. I'm self-sufficient but I tend to lie about me being a great team player. I play time to time with the team, but am far too independent to rely on it for my own success. There's some truth to this. Recent episodes reinforced my mental affirmation of this statement.

I have a great need for power - over nature. I always need to find answer where my knowledge is limited, and when I know, I get bored and turn to the next batch of uncertainty. True, I have 3min interest in every intricate things.

I think in categorical terms in order to simplify and classify issues so that I can be highly efficient; I spend a minimum of energy in understanding the broadest possible range of things. Hmmm, really sums up what I meant by working smart.

I'm strategic but not particularly tactical. It is fun and stimulating for me to figure out where I need to be in a long haul but it is frustrating and difficult for me to play my cards in the short haul. This is due to the fact that the skills required to do that are more situationally orientated than stringing together issues with a strategic impact. This can become my weakness, therefore it is also a reason why I need a partner to cover me in this area. I think its like an artillery that can shoot far and cause lots of damage but is useless in close combat.

I am a loner in that I have learned that I cannot expect an equal intellectual contribution from my co-workers. Yet without them, accomplishing the day-to-day tasks might not be possible. This sentence actually made me felt good. It says that I'm smart. Haha. Love it.

I'm serious and I believe that "heaven can wait". Whatever that means.

Characteristics of the Strategist

"Today" is obsolete, and only "Tomorrow and beyond" captures my attention, imagination, and energies.

I never take no for an answer and consistently advances the goal line, ensuring a dynamic environment with no real end in sight. Cool, this serves as a mental boost. My programming is like this, so I will behave like this.

I derive great satisfaction from dealing with concepts, ideas, and abstractions. I have no patience for specific and concrete routinized work. Need to look into that, am already experiencing waves of confirmation with recent events.

I'm more concerned with what I can eventually achieve by being insightful and brilliant than I am with taking advantage of a situation on the fly. Delayed gratification vs instant gratification?

Everything I do, I apply reasoning, logic and brainpower - but not much else. Who cares, these are enough to rule.

I search for ways to ultilise resources as efficiently and as comprehensively as possible.

I believe that the best person will win, so naturally do not spend much time establishing warm long- term human relationships, finding it time consuming and not particularly predictable. Which really explains why I feel lonely sometimes. But I guess it is part of my programming and that it is necessary for my success. I'll live with it.

Delivering Superior Performance

I'm at my best when allowed to deal with concepts, ideas, and the future. It means that I'm the best person to stake out the course for an organization.

My weakness is at day-to-day routine tasks which are necessary to make an organization function. Sigh... I'll have to live with it.

I can talk out of both sides of my mouth at the same time and enjoy an argument for the sake of gaining insights and learning. Lol. I can do that sometimes with the right people. Picking an argument for both agreeing and disagreeing sake while I really have a neutral standpoint.

I am usually aware of the need for the team to reach ambitious goals and objectives but are not really a team players. Happened exactly the case for my first assembled book production team. Bad experience. But good learning lesson no doubt.

I'm at my very best when I don't have to be bothered with today and can arrive at the future long before anyone else suspects it is here. This is really cool. I hope I can fully understand what this sentence mean.

The best contribution I can make is to be involved today with the critical issues required to secure a brilliant tomorrow. Need to make sense of this statement as well.

Taking Charge of My Destiny

I not only want to be in charge of my own destiny, I tend to take charge of everybody's as well. Haha. Lots of events to support this statement.

I don't save for rainy days, I search for shelter when it rains. I trust my own ability to create conditions that are so superior that I don't need to bother taking care of my personal finances. Hmm, not exactly convinced by this but not entirely false either.

I have a very real sense for priorities, directing my energies into areas where the results are likely to be the most beneficial. Returns over investment. Yes!

I'm enarmoured with the design and the opportunity to resolve complex issues in difficult situations better and faster than anyone. That's just too great. Love this sentence. I'll live by it.

I find ideas of how to be in control of my future more meaningful than either dealing with the actual implementation of plans or enjoying the fruits of my labour. Yea, sort of makes sense.

Working Under Uncertainty

I'm highly flexible. I thrive on operating with insufficient information, while remaining open for new data. Cool!

I'm masterful in directing people and resources. But I can get uptight if my organization is not performing as anticipated, and will become preoccupied with issues outside the central core of a problem. Yea true. Happened before.

If my path become overloaded with uncertainty, I tend to become temporarily immobilized, and I flounder. Explains my loser mode.

But mild degree of uncertainty can energise me into providing better solutions in changing circumstances. Thank goodness.

Arriving at the Future First

I never arrive. I'm obsessed with making sense of current events in light of the future. I'm at my best when challenged to anticipate the future and at my worst when dwelling with the past. Yea, I suppose that what everyone should be like. Look forward and stop thinking about the past.

I'm frequently probing and exploring concepts whose time has not yet come to pre-empt the obsolete organization created for the present.

I'm impatient with the operating side of my business, I want to become better but not necessarily bigger.

I'm prepared to relinquish control to others more capable than myself so that I may continue to pursue my journey into the challenges of the future. Well said.

Being a Member of a Community

It is not a high priority for me. But it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the communities in both my business and personal lives. It just means that communities are not built by my kind.

I'm too individualistic to find satisfaction in community membership. But I will still join, perhaps more out of obligation than the need or desire.

I function in whatever community that seems appropriate, more as a result of obligation and proper positioning than attempting to be a valuable contributor. Very true. Too true.

The internal communities within my respective organizations are there to serve my intellectual needs and not the other way round. Band can be a great example. I found my first lover there.

I only have use for an internal community if it serves the purpose of strenghtening the competitive position of my enterprise. Perhaps using band to get more CCA points to deduct that 2 extra L1R5 score is applicable here?

Determining Essentials and Priorities

I cannot function well without knowing the changing dynamics and essential characteristics of my business.

My priorities emanate from an insatiable need to create conditions that allow my respective organizations to sustain success over long periods of time.

I can be sticklers for details and for following up on goals. This is done more to keep people alert and focused than because of an interest in control and in reporting on routine matters.

It is the interpretation and meaningfulness of day-to-day activities that gives me the impetus to contemplate and anticipate how things change and how to set new priorities.

I'm vitally interested in the dynamics and inconsistencies in complex issues, and my whole sense of priority-setting is based upon the idea of outperforming my competitors.

What is important to me is to constantly define, redefine, and comprehend the changes in the competitive environment and to construct new parameters for sustained success.

Realizing Some Entrepreneurs Are Born, Other Made

My kind are both born and made. I'm not sure which one I belong to.

I'm difficult to work for, as my mind wander across the constraints, routine, and discipline of everyday work life.

I'm a natural leader as a result of my need for foresight and often take carefully selected people with me on my journey to the future.

Born-Strategist Entrepreneur effortlessly seek to differentiate themselves from the crowd. Wow, sometimes it happens. More in recent years.

My kind are highly independent and therefore do not naturally fit into environments calling for conformity. We honor diversity and individuality and remain entrepreneurs all our lives. YES!

That pretty much sums up what I am or will be. I like it very much and will live by it.

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