The Undo Button

AFTER reading the book by Dale Carnegie, How to win friends and influence people, I unconsciously thought about the scene that had happened in the past between me and my first girlfriend.

We were standing on the stair ways outside her house like we always did before we bade each other good bye. This time round, we met up in the status of friends. It was after our broke up and we thought it would be best if we could maintain contact with each other.

The me at that time was fired up by the materials from the book written by Adam Khoo. I found the contents so important that I find anyone who doesn't have that knowledge as people who can't survive in this society.

How foolish is that?

It was indeed moronic. Moronic in a sense that I overlooked a very important thing that made us human beings.


By having that stupid mentality, I made 80% of the world my enemies. It wouldn't be that bad if I had first learnt how to deal with people.

But I hadn't, and that led me to fall off a cliff of no return.

Guess what was the very first thing I did?

I preached to the most important person during that part of my life.

Without the knowledge or equipment of handling human emotion, I rammed what I believed into the very person I cared about.

Make a guess again what happened.

Dark thunderclouds loomed and strong gale ravaged. It was a bloodbath.

In short, we quarreled.

  1. Nobody likes to be pointed at and announced that their way of thinking is wrong.
  2. Even if that person realizes his or her mistakes, nobody will admit it in the face of an aggressor.
  3. Nobody likes to have another persons way of thinking rammed into them. People always tend to like the fact that they thought out that way of thinking themselves.
  4. Nobody likes to be bossed around, no matter how important that person is to you.

The best part of all is, I didn't even know why I had received such a strong reaction.

A dumb ass would know better. But not me.

I persisted with my preaching. The war lasted for a certain time. Both of us got out of it heavily wounded. Eventually, I labeled her way of thinking different and allowed the matter to be fixed as it was.

Let's come back to now.

What if I knew? What if I was not that brash? What if I was a dumb ass?

"Please let me undo all the sins I've committed!"



why not?

here's why...

I wouldn't have understood the reason for being who I am now.

We need to constantly change, improve. We need to be able to put down the past and only pick it up to learn its lessons.

The undo button, the ctrl+z, I'm more relieved that it didnt exist in real life than I'd resent it. Undo buttons remove traces of unpleasant history. But it is from these unpleasant history that we can learn the most from.

Each time we fall, we stand up but we do not neccessarily become stronger. Only when we think back and understood why we fell, would we then become stronger.

The me with the undo button will not understand the importance of handling people. I'll end up undoing each time I hit a wall, and that will become a permanent thing since I'll never find out why I hit a wall. The wall will just be undone. I'll just repeat what I've done and hit another wall. And undoing and hitting and undoing...

That's a bigger GG than before.

So if you are somebody who can't let go of the past, pray for an undo button in your life.

If it doesn't comes true, good for you. If it does, good luck!

You will enter the parody of wishing that you hadn't made that wish but do not understood why you made it after you undid it, and you'll make the same wish again, only to find yourself disliking the undo button. You'll be making that wish, undoing the wish and end up making the wish for an undo button again... and again... and again...

So if the undo button isn't the way out? What then?

You figure it out yourself.

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